Traveling Warrior Healer

Humble Beginnings On Our Family Farm
Humble Beginnings On Our Family Farm

My spiritual journey as a healer began long before I was born. With my grandfather coming from Bohemia and my grandmother of Native American descent.  He raised my father on a farm in Kansas, who then later raised me, my sister, and my two brothers on a dairy farm with my mother. Growing up on a farm is one of the greatest blessings in my life. Living completely from the land by means of our homegrown vegetable gardens, along with chickens and cattle, is a cherished memory of my mind. We did not own much, but what we did own was plenty to provide for our family of six.

Humble Beginnings On Our Family Farm

We also had our share of pets, dogs, and cats for them, but as for me, I felt like whatever living creature I came across was a pet. Such as worms, bugs, and even a squirrel I once chased for an hour.  Mind you I did finally catch it, but soon after I let it free again. We also had geese, ducks, and even a male peacock. All of which were not meant as food, but in my mind merely as our pets.

Up until I was twelve, when we left the farm to move to the bigger “city” life, the extent of my chores was cooking, cleaning, helping to bring the cows in from the pasture and then helping milk them as well.  I can still remember carrying in the 5-gallon grain buckets to feed the cows as they were giving us milk.  The buckets were heavy, but I didn’t mind as long as I got to see my Dad’s smile showing he was proud of me.

Beginning of my journey
Beginning of my journey

When I was not helping to do chores, my favorite past time was walking all over our land barefoot. A feeling that to this day that I can still feel just by thinking about it.  Life was so simple in those days and had so much meaning by just feeling connected to the earth. 

Traveling The World

As time passed on and I grew older, I married and had children. Three children that are now grown and prospering in their own lives, and between the 3, I now have 7 grandbabies. While my children were growing, we were blessed to travel the world as a military family.

From Kansas to Colorado, Washington, California, Germany, and Texas. Our longest duty station was Germany, which is where not only did my children grow but I as well. Germany is where I began to realize my true purpose in life. It was my beginning, so I needed to go through hard times to grow into the woman who could pursue that purpose. Though these times were hard, I stayed positive that everything would turn out as it should.

Hard Times Allowed Me To Grow

In 2010 I lost my father due to Dementia. As many know, this is one of the harshest ways to watch a loved one go. You go through many stages of “losing” them before they are actually gone. You can see them, and you can share conversation, but that conversation becomes less and less as the disease takes the life of the one you love so dearly.

After my father passed, it took me a couple years to pull myself together again. I honestly feel as if it had not been for the scare of having Multiple Sclerosis it would have taken me much longer, but thankfully the fear of having M.S. empowered me to take charge of my life again.

It was then that I started eating the cleanest I had ever done in my life. I had always enjoyed bike riding up to 30 miles at any given time, working out in a gym for hours, teaching circuit classes, and always seemed to be on some sort of “diet” regimen, but I was not truly healthy. It was only when I began to be more mindful of what I was eating, and caring for my body that my passion for my life’s purpose began to blossom within me.

Unexpected Spiritual Journey

I always knew that I was meant to help people because I sought out work in the past as a certified nurse’s aid, being a personal trainer, or just trying to be the best woman that I could be to my loved ones. However, I had no idea all that I had within me until this life-altering event happened to me.

Spiritual Journey
Spiritual Journey

Within months of starting this clean detoxing of my body, things began to happen that quite honestly scared me so much. Things moving in our home when I am the only one there, feeling vibrations of other beings, sounds coming on and going off when nobody is around the area of the sound, and feelings of being watched. I even had a lucid dream that was so real that when I woke, I had to check myself of where I was and who was there. Then, of course, the emotional crying I would do out of nowhere when I walked into a room.

I heard of these things happening to other people, but I never thought that would be something that could happen to me.  Nevertheless, I tried my best to figure out what the meaning was in all that was happening around me.

Understanding The Meaning Of

My Spiritual Journey

As time went by I began to understand more and more. My heart was so deeply hurt when my father passed on that I had allowed any soul to be around me with hopes that it could possibly be my Dad. I remembered that when we laid my Father’s body to rest, I had felt his hand on my shoulder. It was a sign that he was telling me all was going to be ok and that he will always be with me.

I understand now, though, that this opened a portal for everyone and anyone to come through. Once we had arrived home from his funeral, we had many black crows around our home. These black crows remained in our house for the last three months of us living there. When we had moved to our next home via the military, I noticed they moved with us.

One day, I decided to return to our last home to see if the crows were still there or if they were anywhere in that neighborhood. There were none in that entire neighborhood. It was then I fully realized they had moved with us. To remove all the negative energies I completed ceremonies, sage clearings, and even had priests come into my home. Afterward, I could still feel, see and hear other spirits but I no longer felt the fear I had before the clearing.

ceremonies and sage clearings
ceremonies and sage clearings

Accepting My Spiritual Gifts

This experience is what opened me up spiritually and helped me to see that I had gifts inside of me. Gifts that needed to be explored and understood on a deeper level. It was then that I decided to search for more information of another realm that, as I say before, many of us are open to believing in but never imagine would be a part of us. I am so incredibly grateful to my spiritual journey and believe that all that has happened came in a way and at a time that was best for me. So that I could continue to grow with it. I do still miss my father so deeply and if I could ever “see” or “hear” him again would mean the world to me. But I am much more aware of which “spirits” I allow around me now and continue to be so that those of lesser intentions do not take away from my greater good.

After my husband retired from the Army, we traveled a bit in our RV and our most recent destination is Fort Collins, Colorado. Little did I know what was about to become a part of my spiritual journey in life.  We began working as a camp host for Horsetooth Reservoir in May 2015, planning that this would be our summer gig. However, due to health reasons with my husband, we needed to stay for a bit longer than originally intended.

Studying My Spiritual Gifts

This was when I decided to investigate schools. I wanted to learn more about Holistic Health. Which to me at that time meant essential oils, herbs, massage, yoga, etc. I had no idea until beginning my first semester what I had fallen into.  I can still remember sitting in one of my classes; it was a class teaching on life stresses and how we cope and alternative ways of coping. I noticed a few people holding onto “rocks.” I was mesmerized by these stones and quite intrigued.  It did not take me long before I started asking questions to understand what they had and what they were for.

That following weekend I decided to go to a store that many had spoken of that was filled with books and such for alternative living. Ironically pulling into this parking lot, I was amazed at remembering being pulled this direction many times while living in Fort Collins but had never been. Looking from the streets while driving by, I could not understand what could possibly be in this shopping center that would pull me in.

Now is when I came to realize that the universe was trying to guide me but I was not ready before. Interestingly, when I walked into this store I also noticed that my teacher happened to be working there as well. This is when I felt I was right where I belonged on my spiritual journey.  I left the store with my first crystal; it was a beautiful labradorite hanging from a chain on my neck.  From that moment forward I was hooked and frequented any store I could find with these beautiful crystals in it.

Finding My Tribe

Finding My Tribe - learnings
Finding My Tribe – learnings

As the semester went on, I learned so much and often felt as if I was relearning what I once knew but had somehow forgotten. It was also so refreshing that things I believed in were also believed in by others around me. Throughout my life, I have always felt different, but while studying Holistic Health, I finally felt that I was where I belonged.

As the semester was halfway complete, and I was receiving so much knowledge as well as guidance for my own life and helping others, I learned of Healing Touch. There happen to be 2 slots left, and I quickly signed up for one. Healing Touch was the beginning of a new spiritual journey into tapping into my gift for energy healing. It was this class that opened my senses and began showing me my gifts that I had deep within me. All those years in my life of “seeing,” “hearing” and “feeling,” was all beginning to come together and make sense to me. My intuition was always strong as I always did my best to listen to it. I always embraced it and did my best to explain to others to embrace theirs. Our spiritual intuition is golden to us and was meant to help guide us for the greater good.

Learning About My Dreams

Interpreting dreams was another class I had received while in my first semester. Something that I had enjoyed doing not only for myself but others as well. This class had proven to be valuable since I had learned that I was not completely aware of how to read dreams.  Dreams are meant to tell us about our own spiritual journey in life and not others. It is our subconscious speaking to us and trying to guide us and help get through difficult times in our lives. When we have scary dreams or nightmares they are not meant to terrify us. They are only our subconscious merely trying to get our attention so that we can get through our difficult times.

As you see my first semester was intensive and opened my eyes to a whole other world. This semester showed me that I was on the right path and that my true-life purpose was unfolding. I was hooked.

Reiki – My Soul’s True Calling

The following Fall is when I decided to learn Reiki. Another energy healing class that I knew I needed to learn. Yet, another energy healing class I had no idea what I would receive. Again, I embraced it all. It was Reiki that I learned energy healing and communicating with my higher self, my angels, and Archangels. In all actuality, it was not so much me speaking with them as it was me listening.

Reiki – My Soul’s True Calling
Reiki – My Soul’s True Calling

After learning Reiki that semester, I decided to travel to Rishikesh, India.  The yoga capital of the world. I had been called to do yoga for so many years which you can read about here. It was the perfect time in my life to live, eat and breathe yoga. I flew to Rishikesh, India to begin my 2-month spiritual journey of learning yoga.  These 2 months were so incredible and enlightening. India and Yoga was and always will be a vital part of who I am.

It was March 2017 since my spiritual journey to India, and I continue to see myself grow. Not only within what I have learned from India and college but as a soul within my temple. I see the world so differently now. I see joy even in the midst of confusion. It’s not always easy to know where we are going. If we take a quiet moment to understand where we have been, it will always help us to understand where we are going. To this I say,

“Live life to your fullest, let go of what you cannot change and just breath. This life is now, and we should let it be as great as it has the potential to be.”

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