Traveling Warrior Healer

Balancing Yin and Yang

Whenever we talk about energies being either masculine or feminine in nature, we cannot help but assign them to men and women as we know them in our culture. For this reason, it is important to look at the balance of feminine and masculine within yourself in as neutral a way as possible. The one thing to avoid is stereotyping. For example, if we describe feminine energies as being “passive” and masculine as being “active” there is no value judgement being placed on either.  Set aside any notions of “better” or more valuable, no matter what the conventions of our, admittedly, patriarchal society teach us at this particular moment in our history.

In order to be in an optimum state of health, physically, emotionally and spiritually, we need to achieve a state of harmony and balance both inside and out. The Chinese have been aware of this necessity for millennia, hence the concept of Yin (female) and Yang (male) energies that exist within all of us, in every part of our bodies and lives, at all times.

In terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) our major organs are either Yin or Yang in nature. Put very simply, if an organ has direct access to the world outside of the body it is deemed to be Yang. Thus. The lungs and the skin are both Yang organs. If an organ has no direct contact with the outside, it is deemed to be Yin. The heart and the liver are examples of Yin organs.

Likewise, the side of the body, or the side of the limb, finger, or organ, also has either a Yin or a Yang aspect. Yang is right and Yin is left. So, the right side of your liver will be Yang, despite the fact that the whole organ is Yin! We can see that the whole concept of feminine or masculine, in terms of energy, has nothing to do with gender or stereotypical characteristics at all. The important point is to take on board from all of this is that everything needs balance. Light needs dark and up needs down in order to make any sense of the world.

Excess Yang Energy

If you have an excess of Yang energy within your energy body, you are likely to feel stressed and anxious a lot of the time. Excess Yang energy leads to burn-out, fatigue, elevated heart rate, dry skin, and dehydration. Yang is hot, dry and active, like fire.

Excess Yin Energy

If you have too much Yin and not enough Yang to balance it out, you may often feel cold, have low energy levels, experience diarrhea, frequent urination, and slow pulse rates. Yin energy is cold, moist, and passive. 

How to Heal and Achieve Balance

As you may expect, an excess of either Yin or Yang energy can often be addressed by the application of its opposite. However, as you cannot buy a bottle of Yin energy, or rub in some Yang cream, how do you set about achieving this balance?

yin and yang healing

Food as Medicine

Different foodstuffs are regarded as being predominantly Yin or Yang in nature, but unless you have a specific diagnosis from a TCM practitioner the best way to balance your energies, whether these are physical or emotional in nature is to avoid processed foods, eat a good mixture of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and lean protein. Make sure that you are keeping track of your macronutrients too, which simply means eating roughly equal measures of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Use Feng Shui to Harmonize the Energies in Your Home

Whether you are a sceptic or a convert, the art of Feng Shui to create a peaceful, nurturing, and harmonious living space has stood the test of time. The main thing to consider when you start is the amount of clutter with which you are surrounded. Set aside a day, or a week, to be utterly ruthless in your clearing of clutter from every room in your house. See it as a gift to yourself and you will find the whole process much more manageable. A calm and tranquil living space may be enough to restore your mind to its natural calm and tranquil state. Whether you recycle, donate or simply discard is up to you. Keep only the things you need, you love, or you choose to take care of.

Get your Finances in Order

This one is essential if you are in any way stressed or anxious about money. If you habitually overspend, ask yourself what you perceive to be lacking in your life. Along with de-cluttering, simply being in control of your money, whether you have debts to pay or not, will greatly enhance your mental well-being.


The benefits of spending time alone with yourself are immense. Find a way to relax and meditate that suits you. You do not have to be especially spiritual in order to access your innermost thoughts and feelings. If it feels uncomfortable at any point, detach from the feeling, and send waves of love and compassion to yourself. An imbalance in feminine and masculine energies often manifests as controlling behavior. Too much Yang energy will lead you to try to control others and too much Yin can lead to excessive demands upon yourself. Let it all go, just for a while, and see how much better you feel.

Last Words

No doubt you have read through the above and thought “I knew all that anyway. I know about healthy eating, and managing money, and meditating” so you may be feeling a little disappointed, especially if you are interested in the worlds of holistic and alternative healing modalities.

The philosophy behind the balancing of male and female energies comes originally from the Tao. The mapping of the meridian lines along which Qi, or Chi, or Prana, or Universal Energy (they are all the same thing) flows came originally from the intense meditation of Taoist monks, who travelled within their own bodies during trance and perceived the way the energy was flowing. If this energy is blocked at any point during its journey, it will stagnate and pool in those areas, often leading to physical illness and mental or emotional disturbances. When you take steps to balance the levels of feminine and masculine energies within your own physical and energy bodies, you may well find that you reach a state of enlightenment. By this, I mean simply that you begin to understand your own body and your own behaviors in ways that allow you to live a healthier, happier, more productive life. 

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