Traveling Warrior Healer

Clairaudience, Did You Hear That?

Most people are familiar with the word “clairvoyant” even if they are not absolutely sure of its true meaning. Clairaudience is perhaps not so well known among the general population. Its literal meaning is “Clear Hearing” but what does that actually mean? We listen and receive sounds with our ears of course, and there is a whole other discipline or set of theories about the ways in which we can improve our listening skills to benefit ourselves and others. Clairaudience is something different. If you are clairaudient you will most likely be accustomed to “hearing” messages, instructions, and signals or signs in your mind. Sometimes these messages come through as very clear verbal commands or suggestions. At other times it would be more accurate to describe them as being intuitively received without the need for words.

Some common examples of clairaudience at work are reflected in the language we use, often without conscious thought as to its meaning, such as “Something told me not to do that” or “Clear as a bell”. If you have any clairaudient abilities (and most people do) you may experience hearing your name spoken very clearly when there is no-one around, or having a voice in your mind reassuring you that you are doing the right thing. You may also hear a clear message at times of potential danger, warning you to act differently.

clairaudient | Reiki | guides | Angels | Traveling Warrior healer

When clairaudience is beginning to open up you may hear buzzing or ringing in your ears, your ears may pop and your hearing becomes momentarily noticeably sharper.

Clairaudient healers are able to hear and interpret Spirit voices when performing their healing sessions and are able to manage the “noise” so that they differentiate messages intended for their clients from those intended for themselves. Spirit voices tend to be brief and to the point and they rarely inhibit functionality in everyday life. They also engage in dialogue with you, often providing you with answers to questions that you put to them. You do not need to voice these questions aloud as clairaudience most often occurs on a telepathic level.

Reiki, Energy Healing and Clairaudience

Reiki involves the channeling of Universal Energy through the healer into the recipient. It is gentle, restorative, and non-invasive. The effects can often be profound even though the actual intervention is relaxed and soothing in nature. The Energy is channeled from the Universe and Spirit and finds its way to where it is needed most. On a physical level, this means that neither the recipient nor the healer needs to expend any of their own energy during a session. However, the beneficial effects of this kind of healing are greatly enhanced if the healer is able to receive messages from Spirit and relay these to the recipient so that they can begin to understand their own health conditions and work on improving or supporting their well-being.

During a healing session, the messages often arrive telepathically or intuitively and a healer may receive a sign to move the position of their hands in order to enhance the flow of healing energy for example. A clairaudient healer will note this and share it with the recipient after the session is over. In this way, both participants are able to draw conclusions about what is happening on an energetic level. If, for example, you find that spirit wishes you receive more healing energy in the area of your Heart Chakra it may mean that you need to honor your feelings of love for yourself, or let go of any bitterness or anger towards another. If the messages indicate that healing energy is needed in your lower back or hips this might be a sign to you that you need to reconsider the amount of heavy lifting you do! Or as Louise Hay suggests, it may be fear of money or lack of financial support. Any knowledge you can gain about the state of your physical and emotional health is beneficial and a clairaudient healer can help you to gain this.

How Can Clairaudience Help Me?

As well as benefitting from the clairaudient abilities of your energy healer you can also derive benefits from your own gift of clairaudience. It is often said that, deep down, we all know what we should do. This is true, especially when it comes to matters of our health, both emotional and physical. However, for much of the time, we ignore the messages that our bodies, and the Universe, are trying to bring to our attention. Tuning into, and accepting your clairaudient abilities will help to bring balance into your life. Many people live with a constant low level of anxiety rumbling in the background of their lives. Some of us ignore this or drown it out with alcohol, drugs, hyperactivity or constant self-distraction.  Often we do not even know that we are doing this, until exhaustion or more chronic conditions set in and force us to stop. By pausing and listening to the messages from spirit, and then acting in a different, healthier way you can achieve a much better lifestyle that benefits you, and those around you. Learning how to ask for reassurance from spirit, and then accepting the answers and signals you receive in return will enhance your health and well-being enormously.

Are you Clairaudient

are you clairaudient

If you answer yes to some or all of these questions then you are almost certainly clairaudient to some degree:

  • You often talk to yourself in order to solve a problem or to work through a list of tasks
  • You give profound and supportive advice without even thinking about it. People let you know how useful your advice is, and are often very grateful to you for listening to them.
  • You already work in a profession such as counseling or caregiving.
  • You hear messages that seem to be delivered only to you. The content is always relevant and timely and seems to suit your personality.
  • You hear knocking, banging or creaking noises which have no apparent immediate cause.
  • Ideas and inspirations come to you, often fully formed, without any effort on your part. This often happens when you are preoccupied with a mundane task such as driving or gardening.
  • Your primary or dominant learning style is auditory. When reading you tend to “hear” the text in your head, and the act of saying something aloud, such as a series of numbers, means that you remember it.

How Can I Develop My Clairaudient Abilities?

If you answered “yes” to three or four of the questions above you are now probably beginning to realize that you do in fact have the gift of clairaudience and would like to expand your knowledge.

The voices of Spirit, Guides, and Angels are often soft and non-intrusive, although at times of great significance for you the opposite may be true. Learning how to listen intuitively is the key to developing your clairaudient abilities and this is something you can do every day.  The meaning of any communication lies in the perception of it, by this, we mean that whatever you understand from a conversation is the meaning you have taken from it. When a person genuinely means something other than the perception you have taken it can lead to some distressing, or sometimes humorous misunderstandings. In human communication, this is known as a “miss fire”.

When listening to a friend you focus your attention not only on their words, but also on the meaning behind the words. You take into account the tone of their voice, their body language, and gestures but also the words that they do not say. We all do this all the time so this is not a difficult exercise. Next time you are conversing with a friend make a point of listening attentively and avoid interrupting until you are sure your friend has finished speaking.

You can apply this skill to your telepathic communications with your Guides and Angels by simply allowing enough time for them to reply to you. Hold your questions until you feel that your Guide has finished communicating. If you are unsure whether you have received a reply or not just maintain a meditative, accepting state for a few minutes and say “thank you”. It is very common for the answer to arrive later in the day so try not to let frustration or negativity get in the way.

Practice calling on your Guides and Angels regularly during the day, or set aside a specific time each day to do this. Stay relaxed and accepting and be ready to act upon any clear advice you receive. Taking action is one of the most powerful affirmatives you can give that you are listening and the more you do this the stronger your clairaudient connections will become. A particularly enjoyable and helpful way to develop your clairaudience is to listen very carefully to animals. If you have a pet you most likely already have a strong bond with them. Take note of the messages your pet manages to relay to you and how you also communicate your desires to them. Try communicating without words and see if your pet responds. This is a really useful way of developing your inherent telepathic abilities, not least because a pet will not lie to you or take offense if you get it wrong!

guides | angels | spirits

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