Traveling Warrior Healer

Reiki – In Person


Reiki | Traveling Warrior Healer | In person

Transform Your Life with Energy Healing for Relationships through In-Person Reiki Visits!

As a spiritual relationship expert, I invite you to embark on a journey of holistic relationship healing. Our In-Person Reiki sessions not only align your energy but also help you nurture your relationship with yourself, creating a solid foundation for your connections with others. Experience the empowering vibration of Reiki as we work together to clear emotional blockages, cut unhealthy ties, and ignite the love and fulfillment you deserve in your relationships.

Vibrational Alignment with Reiki: Unite Your Wishes with Your Existing Reality

What if, instead of thinking that your life isn’t good enough and that you’d be so much happier if you were healthier, stronger, slimmer, or more prosperous… you could attract all those desired sentiments and states of being by cherishing what you already have and believing, deep within yourself, that the happiness that you desire is already there for you to enjoy it?

Welcome to the life-changing In-Person Reiki Visits that will allow you to harness the unique Universal Energy that has limitless powers—that will empower you to heal and align every side of yourself with every desired goal in your life.

With my In-Person Reiki Visits, you will:

  • Feel surrounded by a healing energy that will be both soothing and elevating
  • Open yourself to a lightening spiritual energy that will also reflect on your physical ailments
  • See a clear path towards the alignment of every dimension of your own universe
  • Ignite the meaningful realizations that will start to manifest in your life through Vibrational Alignment
  • We incorporate the Amethyst lined and infrared BioMat® into our Reiki sessions at our Fort Worth location. As you lie on the BioMat during your session, you will experience a profound sense of calm, allowing you to more easily open yourself to the healing energies. The infrared light, complemented by the amethyst crystals, works synergistically to create a serene environment that is conducive to healing.

Caring for Your “Etheric Body”

Perhaps you never thought about this, but it’s important to start with this principle: all forms of physical and emotional dis-ease and discomfort begin in our energy field—often called the “etheric body.”

In the In-Person Reiki Visits that you can now schedule with me, we will use the beauty of Reiki healing to uncover any potential threats to your well-being before they actually manifest in your body—so that you can benefit from regular Reiki therapy to achieve optimum health.

Reiki | Traveling Warrior Healer | Cord Cutting | Chakra Balancing

As the Reiki therapy visits that we spend together evolve, you will:

  • Unleash your natural healing forces and clear blocked energy
  • Harmonize and heal all the dimensions of your physical and inner self
  • Have boundaries removed to have this unique energy flowing into your life exactly as you need it
  • Learn to leverage this vital Life Force Energy and feel empowered by it—every day

Each in-person visit costs only $185, and it provides you with a uniquely effective and re-balancing path that will help you, for the first time in your life, to feel like you’re finally one with yourself again, leaving contradictions, conflict, impatience, and doubt in the past.

How soon can I schedule my first In-Person Reiki Visit?

At Our Fort Worth Location

$185.00 usd

At Your

$200.00 usd

At Our Fort Worth Location

$185.00 usd

Reiki en

$185.00 usd

Traveling Warrior Healer | Reiki | Reiki In Person | alignment | Chakra balancing | Cord Cutting | Relationship | Self Care

Be Spiritually at Ease to Put Away the Dis-Ease

So if all the physical and even emotional ailments that you struggle with have a spiritual and energetic root, that’s where we need to start—and that’s exactly what we do during these In-Person Reiki Visits.

Instead of massaging your knee to ease knee pain, we use Reiki Healing to re-align your physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions with each other. Instead of encouraging your state of dis-ease by focusing on what is hurting, we work on helping you to feel unified and spiritually at ease—which will have a world of positive effects on every dimension of your existence.

My In-Person Reiki Energy Healing Visits are life-changing because they help you to first understand that every aspect of who you are and how you see yourself and the universe around you are deeply connected.

And then they help you re-balance that connection to eliminate conflict, doubt and contradiction from the vibrations you’re projecting—so that you begin being the very beacon of light, peace, fulfillment and enjoyment that attracts to your life all the good things you’re telling yourself that are already flowing in your direction.

This is how the In-Person Visits work:

  • Sessions are easy to schedule: we’ll find a time that works for both of us
  • Surround yourself by familiarity—familiar surroundings equate to more effective Healing Energy access
  • Step into a whole new world of healing—enter a different universe that will re-awaken yours

This is what you can expect from my In-Person Reiki sessions:

  • We’ll use and channel your own nourishing energy—not mine
  • I’ll leverage my gifts for clear hearing, clear vision, and clear feeling
  • Get any messages, signs, or symbols that come through during a Reiki Healing session clearly noticed and interpreted
  • Just lay down and start enjoying the benefits of having your whole you connected in an integrated way
  • Prepare your mind to receive great blessings in the form of positive, supportive, healing vibrations

In addition to that, you’ll feel even more embraced by Reiki Energy because we’ll be together—and you’ll experience a one-on-one truly personalized Reiki guidance and healing.

We’ll go over your specific concerns, which priorities you’d like us to focus on, and then you’ll lay down, relax, and feel free to enjoy this special healing time as you naturally prefer. Feel free to stay awake or to allow yourself to close your eyes and let your mind and spirit travel and feel the atonement and re-lift that only Reiki Healing through Vibrational Alignment can offer.

This is your moment to heal and re-balance!

At Our Fort Worth Location

$185.00 usd

Reiki en

$185.00 usd

The Amazing Effects of Reiki—and How Your Mind and Body are so Connected

Yes, In-Person Reiki Visits can help you with:

  • Throat: Sore throats, laryngitis, difficulty swallowing, and any other discomfort felt in the throat area can indicate a range of difficulties in communication
  • Knees: Lack of flexibility in thinking and in dealings with others, and unwillingness to compromise may lead to knee issues
  • Warts: Warts are little expressions of hate—that need to be addressed from a position of love
  • Stomach: Stomach complaints and conditions are indicative of a fear of embracing the new in all areas of your life, or of letting go
  • Sciatica: Can indicate fear about financial security, especially regarding what the future holds
  • Hips: Stiffness or pain in the hips indicates a lack of flexibility in thinking and a fear of moving forward in life

These are just a few examples of how energy and the way you feel about multiple subjects in your life affect your body—and how Reiki can help to re-align things in a wholly positive way.

Reiki and our Chakras: The Ultimate Re-Balancing

There are seven main physical chakras, each with its own colon, sound, and vibration. When all our chakras are clear and spinning freely, we achieve optimum physical health. This is because each chakra acts as a sort of node or focal point corresponding to the seven main areas of our physical bodies.

When you connect for a Reiki therapy or healing session with me, I will be working on your chakras and sensing any blockages or disturbances in your system. The gentle and loving energy that I am able to channel through to you will ease these blockages and help to create a clean and clear stream of energy through all the main chakras, from base to root.

Here’s what you can expect in terms of Chakra Re-balancing from my sessions:

  • The Crown: cleansing that will support brain activity and thinking processes
  • The Third Eye or Brow: opening up that forgotten sense to unleash your psychic abilities and intuitions
  • The Throat: re-center it to become authentic, compassionate, and truthful with yourself and others
  • The Heart: give and receive love in an unconditional way in multiple scenarios as you open this chakra
  • The Solar Plexus: re-energize your life force and vitality
  • The Sacral: uplift your sexual health and your physical and emotional ability to enjoy sensual pleasures
  • The Base or Root: stay grounded and stabilize your emotions

Are you ready to let Reiki cleanse and balance your chakras so that energy moves freely and smoothly throughout your entire system?

Yes, this is exactly what I need—and finally found it!

At Our Fort Worth Location

$185.00 usd

Reiki en

$185.00 usd

“When you FEEL healthy and vital and alive and prosperous you attract more of all those things.”  Abraham Hicks

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-invasive healing technique that can be used on yourself and on others through the use of intention and the laying on of hands. It uses spiritual energy to treat physical conditions without pressure or massage and supports all aspects of ourselves in a holistic way. It is a system for harmonizing, healing, and balancing all aspects of ourselves, including our mental health, our emotions, and our spiritual growth.

The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words. Rei, meaning “The Wisdom of God or Source” and Ki, which means “life force energy.” Reiki healing is, therefore, best described as spiritually guided healing energy. Reiki practitioners act as conduits for this energy, which is autonomous and intelligent and finds its way to where it is needed. I facilitate the movement of this energy in my therapy sessions. I do not use my own energy, and I do not influence the direction the energy wishes to take. This Life Force Energy is the very essence of life and when it becomes depleted or weakened, this can lead to emotional and physical imbalances. As a Reiki Master practitioner, I understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own Ki, and to strengthen and revitalize it when necessary. It is always my intention to help you to do this, so we will travel together on your healing journey, accessing the Life Force energy and finding ways to empower you to heal yourself.

The Mind-Body Connection

All forms of physical, and emotional, dis-ease, and discomfort begin in our energy field, sometimes called the “etheric body.” The beauty of Reiki healing is that it can help to uncover these potential threats to our well-being before they actually manifest in our bodies. In this way, regular therapy sessions can help us to achieve optimum health.

All parts of our bodies have connections with our feelings and hopes and dreams. Louise Hay put this into easily understandable words in her ever-popular book, “You Can Heal Your Life.” There is a wealth of information about Louise Hay’s work online, which you can access if you wish to delve deeper into the connections between the body and the mind. As she states: “Illness, however mild or severe, is an indicator of your emotional state, caused by your thoughts and focus.”  

A few of the most common conditions and their connection to emotions and feelings are given below: Throat: Sore throats, laryngitis, difficulty swallowing and any other discomfort felt in the throat area can indicate a range of difficulties in communication: Inability to speak up for yourself; lack of self-confidence in spoken communication; suppressed anger; stubbornness and unwillingness to change; lack of belief in one’s own power; feeling unable to speak one’s own truth. Knees: Lack of flexibility in thinking and in dealings with others; unwilling to bend or compromise; dislike of change and progress; stubbornness and inability to give in; fear; excess pride and ego. Warts: Warts are little expressions of hate: belief in ugliness; having anger at the root of all one’s beliefs about self and the world; spreading frustration about the future. Stomach: Stomach complaints and conditions are indicative of a fear of embracing the new in all areas of your life; resistance to taking new ideas on board; unwillingness to digest information and facts that do not fit pre-conceptions; fear of letting go. Sciatica: Can indicate fear about financial security, especially in the future; hypocrisy in dealings with others. Hips: Stiffness or pain in the hips indicates a lack of flexibility in thinking and a fear of moving forward in life. Dread of the unknown; unwilling to change; stagnation of ideas.

Reiki and the Chakras

The word “Chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word for a wheel or vortex. In yogic traditions, the chakras are seen as spinning discs or wheels that run the length of the spine in the energy or etheric body. There are seven main physical chakras, each with its own color, sound, and vibration. When all of our chakras are clear and spinning freely, we achieve optimum physical health. This is because each chakra acts as a sort of node or focal point corresponding to the seven main areas of our physical bodies.

When you come for a Reiki therapy or healing session with me, I will be working on your chakras and sensing any blockages or disturbances in your system. The gentle and loving energy that I am able to channel through to you will ease these blockages and help to create a clean and clear stream of energy through all of the main chakras, from base to root.

It is most common, in my experience, to detect a depletion or blockage in the Solar Plexus chakra. This chakra sits just below the ribcage and when in full working order, holds the vibration of the glorious yellow of the sun. It brings us vitality and energy and supports all of the other energy centers both above and below it. This chakra works hard in most of us! When we support it, we increase our abilities to trust our “gut”; we open ourselves to new ideas with joy and acceptance; we get rid of anxieties and fears and those feelings that result in a tightening of the stomach and chest muscles. I am always delighted to witness the visible effects of cleansing and clearing this area during a Reiki therapy session because clients often report feelings of intense relief and relaxation both during and after the session.

We have 7 main chakras in our etheric bodies: Crown: supports the brain, thinking processes, and intellectual activity. Third Eye: or Brow: Helps us to open up to our own psychic abilities and intuitions. Throat: This is responsible for communication and helps us to be authentic, compassionate, and truthful with ourselves and others. Heart: When we open this chakra, we can both give and receive love on all levels in a kind and unconditional way. Solar Plexus: Supports our life force and vitality and acts as the conduit between all of the chakras. Sacral: This is responsible for our sexual health, both physically and emotionally, and our ability to enjoy sensual pleasures in a positive way. Base or Root: This keeps us grounded and stable in our emotions and supports our material needs.

Reiki is a marvelous tool for cleansing and balancing the chakras so that energy moves freely and smoothly throughout the entire system. It can support those chakras that are depleted by opening and clearing them so that energy can move from one chakra to the next and so on. When we have a full energy flow, we are continuously cycling the energy from base to crown and back again. The benefits of this free flow of energy cannot be overstated and many people report being moved to tears after a Reiki Healing session because they were unaware of how good they could feel!

The vibration of Reiki energy is not solely directed to the seven chakras of course. During a typical session, I will move around you and place my hands on or near to all areas of your body. Rest assured that you will only be touched in a way that is completely comfortable for you. I act only as the conduit for this wonderful healing force so you may feel the energy in a completely different area to the one on which I have laid my hands. I will be there for you at all times, bringing you any advice or messages I pick up that will help you to move forward on your healing journeyWe will work together in this as you will know better than anyone just how you feel, and what your hopes, anxieties, and wishes are.

How Can I Help You?

When I channel Reiki, I feel blessed to be the conduit of this nourishing and beneficial energy. I also use my gifts for clear hearing, clear vision, and clear feeling to help my clients to understand any messages, signs, or symbols that come through from the angelic and spiritual realms during a Reiki Healing session. I am a facilitator for energy healing and it is my privilege to work with you when you come to receive the gift of healing from the Universe.

What to Expect from a Session

You will remain fully clothed throughout the session, apart from your shoes. I may ask you to remove watches, spectacles, and jewelry.

Choosing a session in person means I will be sitting with you to discuss your concerns and help you to decide what you want to work on most. After doing so, you will lay on a massage table and relax completely. Some may stay awake and focus on the healing that is coming to them. Others may fall into a slumber which is very healing as well.

Once the session is complete, we will discuss how you feel and what you felt during the session. I believe understanding your session will help to make sense of the healing that has taken place as well as the healing that is yet to come days after.

Those of you choosing to do Reiki through distance, I will be contacting you (please provide phone and or email with your purchase) at the designated time we schedule your session to discuss your wishes for your Reiki. After my first call, you will be asked to lay down in an area that is peaceful for you and without interruptions. This can be in your bedroom, living room, outside on a patio, on the beach, in the park, in the mountains, or wherever you feel most comfortable. Once the session is complete, I will contact you again and we will discuss the session the same as if you are in person. When trying to decide whether an in-person or distance session, please keep in mind that energy healing knows no distance, and either way has proven to be very beneficial.

Our services are based out of  Temecula, California; Fort Worth, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Greeley, Colorado; and Fort Collins, Colorado. As a traveling warrior healer, I service worldwide both in person and through distance. Follow our social media for announcements on cities I’m traveling to for in-person sessions, but keep in mind, energy knows no distance.


At Our Fort Worth Location, At Your Location

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