Traveling Warrior Healer

Healing Your Relationships, Using Reiki!


As humans, we are imperfectly perfect. Our lives are sometimes orderly, but more often messy. The same is usually true of the relationships we form, and, within certain parameters, this is OK. However, when things start to go wrong in a relationship, the first thing that suffers is our mental and emotional health. The longer the situation goes on, the more stress it brings into our energy fields. Reiki energy healing is often needed to restore the clarity of mind necessary for us to access the joy, happiness, freedom, and laughter that is our natural right as living beings.

An abusive relationship does not always (in fact quite rarely) consist of physical abuse. Consider the woman who has put all her own dreams and ambitions on one side so that she can be the crutch her partner needs so that he can fulfill his own needs and ambitions. Or the person who gives love and care in a never-ending stream and yet receives little or nothing back. Perhaps one member of the partnership is a narcissist and is simply incapable of seeing another’s point of view. Couples can be incompatible on many levels, including intellectual ability, leading to boredom, loneliness, and isolation for one party at least.

Does any of this seem familiar to you? Are you looking for the courage to break out of a miserable relationship? Are you suffering the mental, and emotional aftereffects of a break-up? Are you coping with the anger and resentment resulting from betrayal or abandonment? Do you find yourself having to consider your words before you speak, through fear of upsetting the other person and causing an argument? Do you keep quiet when you want to speak out? Does your stomach feel tight and tense most of the time? If any of these descriptions resonate with you, let me reassure you right now that you are not alone.


The Bright Side

With the right kind of treatment, and a change in your thinking, the picture can be bright, beautiful, and full of joy. You can experience love on every level, both in giving and receiving in an unconditional way. The relationship you have with yourself is confident, loving, nurturing and respectful. You honor your own feelings and body just as you honor others. You are relaxed and happy, quick to share laughter and compassionate in your treatment of others’ pain.

Take a moment to think about, and write down, the way you want to feel in your relationships. Most of us find this surprisingly difficult, as we seem to be hard wired to think in terms of what we do NOT want. If you need to, start with the things that you do not want to feel, and the behaviors you do not like, either in yourself or in your partner. Then, very quickly, jot down their opposites. For example, if you no longer want the feeling of being taken for granted, its opposite would be “I feel valued and respected. I am treated with thoughtful consideration” The list may consist of only one item, or it may be long, with one negative aspect impacting on many others. Whatever you come up with is fine because you can change all of it. Reiki healing can uncover the energy blockages that have resulted in your negative emotions and feelings.


How Does Reiki “Know” Where to Go to Help Me?

When you work with me you will find that I have deep empathy for your thoughts and feelings, even if you do not want to share the details with me. I am a natural empath, and I am guided by the intelligent, gentle energy of Reiki so that my feelings become tuned to yours. The healing energy flows through me, as the conduit, directly into you. This means your etheric body, the layers of your energy body and human biofield as well as your physical body and organs. Reiki seeks out blockages and restrictions and untangles the knots we have allowed to form in our energy channels that restrict the healthy flow. Once this process has begun, the negativity is drawn outwards, and the pure white light of new, cleansing energies begins to flow through you. This is all the stimulus your body and mind need to begin the miraculous process of healing your hurts.

Your thoughts and emotions are pure energy. Everything in the Universe is energy. Reiki vibrates at different speeds or frequencies as the molecules, atoms, and sub-atomic particles dance in constant motion. When the frequencies of your particular issue resonate at the same frequency as the Reiki healing energy, profound changes and shifts take place. Anything becomes possible, and, luckily for us humans, the Universe knows how to bring the vibrational frequencies into alignment. Our job is to make sure that we do not call any of the blocked energy back into our Auras.

 Book your In-Person or Remote Reiki visit now! 

Why Choose Remote Sessions?

Choosing a Reiki practitioner can be difficult because there are so many different kinds of practitioners out there. It’s essential to find someone with the right energy for you and the right skill set for your needs. A good Reiki practitioner will be compassionate, calm, peaceful, and empathetic. They should also be intuitive and have a natural ability to listen to what you are saying so they can create a healing treatment just for you! It is not always, that you will find these practitioners, who offer in-person sessions. 

Sessions can more easily be scheduled around your other commitments
If you want to stay in your Pjs you can!
You avoid the potential stresses of driving, negotiating busy roads, and finding a parking space
You are in complete control of the amount of privacy you require
I call you at the time we have agreed for your session, so you do not have to allow extra time for traveling, or spend time in waiting rooms
Remote sessions are discreet and convenient
They take place in surroundings that are familiar to you. This makes it easier for you to relax, which speeds up the process of accessing the Healing Energy.
At the end of your relaxing session, you do not need to “snap back” into the world, with all its demands. You do not have to face a potentially stressful journey home, because you are already there!


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Same Day Appointments!!!

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t wait for tomorrow! Book your same-day appointment now and take the first step toward relief and clarity! I’m here to listen and provide support. Please call 970-732-7323 between 8 and 10 am for immediate assistance. If I am unable to answer, leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible to ensure you’re not alone on this journey.”