Traveling Warrior Healer

Reiki – Remote


The Ultimate Vibrational Alignment is One Click Away with this Remote Reiki Therapy

The Ultimate Vibrational Alignment is One Click Away with this Remote Reiki Therapy

Enjoy the limitless benefits of being energetically aligned with all the positive things that are yet to manifest in your life—and that you can effectively bring to life

Harness and Heal With the Energy that Surrounds You

You may not realize it, but there are Universal Healing Vibrations and Energy that surround you all the time. Their power is limitless and you could be harnessing it to heal in so many ways… but you’ll only accomplish that with guidance so that you can get to a state of Vibrational Alignment where every side of you is aligned in one same direction.

Welcome to my Remote Reiki Energy Healing, which includes:

  • Help with unleashing your natural healing forces and clearing blocked energy
  • Guidance to harmonize and heal all the dimensions of your physical and inner self
  • Assistance to have boundaries removed so that you can have this unique energy flowing into your life exactly as you need it
  • Indications on how to leverage this vital Life Force Energy and feel empowered by it—every day

Each session costs only $85, and you will experience a revitalizing impact that will perhaps for the first time in your life make you feel like you’re finally one with yourself again, leaving contradictions, conflict, impatience, and doubt away from your path.

Yes, Vibrational Alignment is Exactly What I’ve Been Looking For

$85 usd

Reiki | Traveling Warrior Healer | Love

Unifying YOU: From Two Worlds to a Universe

Whether we’re talking about relationships of different types, jobs and professional dynamics, traumas from the past, or frustrations regarding the presence, there are two worlds in your life that are permanently in conflict with each other—often silently.

Your inner being and your physical being are frequently at odds with each other—because they are misaligned. You want health and/or wealth today and get frustrated because you don’t have it, and you won’t get it precisely because what you’re telling yourself and what you’re telling the Universe are two very different things.

That’s why, in my Remote Reiki Energy Healing, I will help you to go well beyond what has already manifested and to reach for what is yet to be manifested—bringing your expectations and desires to life.

This is how the remote sessions work—for your comfort and better results:

  • Sessions are easy to schedule around your time
  • Enjoy them from the comfort and privacy of your home
  • Forget about driving or commuting—sessions can be done even from your bedroom, if you wish
  • Get a call from me on the scheduled time—say goodbye to waiting rooms
  • Surround yourself by familiarity—familiar surroundings equate to more effective Healing Energy access
  • Stay at your sweet spot of healing—taking sessions from your home, and completing them in your nest

This is what you can expect from my Remote Reiki sessions:

  • We’ll use and channel your own nourishing energy—not mine
  • I’ll leverage my gifts for clear hearing, clear vision, and clear feeling
  • Get any messages, signs, or symbols that come through during a Reiki Healing session clearly noticed and interpreted
  • Just lay down and start enjoying the benefits of having your whole you connected in an integrated way
  • Prepare your mind to receive great blessings in the form of positive, supportive, healing vibrations

And that’s it: relax and enjoy!

$85 usd

The Amazing Effects of Reiki—and How Your Mind and Body are so Connected

It’s important to realize that all forms of physical and emotional, dis-ease and discomfort begin in our energy field—sometimes called the “etheric body.” The beauty of Reiki healing is that it can help to uncover these potential threats to our well-being before they actually manifest in our bodies. That’s why my Remote Reiki sessions can be so helpful!

  • Throat: Sore throats, laryngitis, difficulty swallowing, and any other discomfort felt in the throat area can indicate a range of difficulties in communication
  • Knees: Lack of flexibility in thinking and in dealings with others, and unwillingness to compromise may lead to knee issues
  • Warts: Warts are little expressions of hate—that need to be addressed from a position of love
  • Stomach: Stomach complaints and conditions are indicative of a fear of embracing the new in all areas of your life, or of letting go
  • Sciatica: Can indicate fear about financial security, especially regarding what the future holds
  • Hips: Stiffness or pain in the hips indicates a lack of flexibility in thinking and a fear of moving forward in life

These are just a few examples of how energy and the way you feel about multiple subjects in your life affect your body—and how Reiki can help to re-align things in a wholly positive way.

Reiki and our Chakras: The Ultimate Re-Balancing

There are seven main physical chakras, each with its own colon, sound, and vibration. When all our chakras are clear and spinning freely, we achieve optimum physical health. This is because each chakra acts as a sort of node or focal point corresponding to the seven main areas of our physical bodies.

When you come for a Reiki therapy or healing session with me, I will be working on your chakras and sensing any blockages or disturbances in your system. The gentle and loving energy that I am able to channel through to you will ease these blockages and help to create a clean and clear stream of energy through all the main chakras, from base to root.

Here’s what you can expect in terms of Chakra Re-balancing from my sessions:

  • The Crown: cleansing that will support brain activity and thinking processes
  • The Third Eye or Brow: opening up that forgotten sense to unleash your psychic abilities and intuitions
  • The Throat: re-center it to become authentic, compassionate, and truthful with yourself and others
  • The Heart: give and receive love in an unconditional way in multiple scenarios as you open this chakra
  • The Solar Plexus: re-energize your life force and vitality
  • The Sacral: uplift your sexual health and your physical and emotional ability to enjoy sensual pleasures
  • The Base or Root: stay grounded and stabilize your emotions

Are you ready to let Reiki cleanse and balance your chakras so that energy moves freely and smoothly throughout your entire system?

Yes, this is exactly what I need—and finally found it!

$85 usd

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Same Day Appointments!!!

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t wait for tomorrow! Book your same-day appointment now and take the first step toward relief and clarity! I’m here to listen and provide support. Please call 970-732-7323 between 8 and 10 am for immediate assistance. If I am unable to answer, leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible to ensure you’re not alone on this journey.”