Traveling Warrior Healer



What is the Law of Attraction, Really?

The Law of Attraction is sometimes misunderstood, misrepresented, and misinterpreted, leading to disappointment and feelings of skepticism in some quarters. On the one hand, it is a truly altruistic act to endeavor to spread the messages contained within the Law of Attraction principles to as many people as possible. On the other hand, unfortunately, this has led to an over-simplifying of the process and the raining of unrealistic expectations. Happily, this is a fairly simple thing to put right, as long as we apply common sense and are willing to put in a little effort to truly understand what we need to do, and then to do it to the best of our ability.

The Importance of Vibration

If you are reading this article, you probably already know that the most important to premise to take on board is the fact that everything in the Universe has a vibrational frequency. Nothing is ever truly static in this Universe. If it were, it would cease to exist. Of course, our reality is made of solid objects, so we are unaware of the low-level vibrations of the things around us. There is no “mystery” to this, just as gravity is operating on Earth, and all objects and people are subject to its physical manifestation and force, so vibrational frequencies are operating continually both on Earth and in the wider spaces of the cosmos.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. “Birds of a feather flock together.” We all know that we feel more comfortable around people who have similar views to our own, and as we develop connections with these people, we become “closer.”

What are the possibilities?

Now apply those basic principles to the realms of emotion and thought, and you will appreciate that constantly dwelling on negative thoughts or beliefs will eventually result in negative things happening. The popularization of the principles of the Law of Attraction has resulted in a massive omission. Due to the commercial bias of the promotors of some of the products in this field, the negative aspect of the Law has been glossed over. You need to know this simple fact.

Whatever you give thought to, you attract to you.

This is where it can become difficult for many people to put into practice. If you have severe financial concerns, it is very difficult to refrain from dwelling on the problem and trying desperately to force a resolution by working harder, becoming obsessed, and so on. You forget to have fun; you forget to relax; you feel that you have no right to even smile or be light-hearted. This behavior, although understandable, is truly toxic because, without knowing it, you are now attracting more of the problem towards you; more debt; more worry; more disaster.

The Good News!

In order to reverse the effects of the behavior and situations described above, we need to switch our vibrations to the correct frequency. We want to attract positive, joyful, healthy outcomes into our lives, so we need to raise the vibrational frequency of our thoughts in order to make this happen. Thoughts are energy, emotions are energy, attitudes are energy. Energies carry different vibrational frequencies, and the more positive energies vibrate at a higher level than the negative ones.  Make no mistake, we are not talking about “blind faith” here, and we are certainly not talking about giving all of our power or autonomy over to another power or source. We are talking about the act of co-creating our own reality by changing our thinking and our approach to all aspects of our lives, both in the things we want and the things we do not want.

Why Do We Struggle?

We all want to feel happy, contented, joyful, and positive. It is quite natural for us to want this state of being, so why do we continue to act in ways that bring the opposite? There is no easy answer to this question as a lot will depend on the personality, history, and general demeanor of the individual. Broadly speaking, the reason that many of us repeat destructive behavior and acts of self-sabotage is that we have become stuck. We feel that we no longer have choices and that outward circumstances are dictating our reality, and we are powerless to change until something outside of us changes. Once you have accepted this, and more importantly, accepted that this is a false belief, you will be in a position to begin to change all of things that you do not like, and to attract much more of what you do want into your life.

You must also accept that the Universe itself is continually offering solutions, aid, and vibrations to align you with your highest good. In this respect, it is helpful to adopt a mindset that says “stop fighting” and to slow down, observe, reflect and appreciate that the Universe is very happy to bring you exactly what you need. What we resist persists. Think about this simple truth for a while. The act of resistance uses up our resources, our emotional and physical energies, and simply prolongs the struggle. Acceptance is the opposite of resistance. Are you resisting opportunities that come your way? Do you believe that you do not deserve the good things in life? Do you punish yourself for perceived weaknesses?  Stop!

Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Raise your vibration by doing the things that bring you joy. Yes, we all have chores to do and responsibilities to meet but do we take at least some hours out of every 24 to do the things we love?

Listen to music

Soothing sounds, heavy rock, dance music. It does not matter which genre, choose the music that fits your mood at the time and take time to listen, to relax, to leap around.

Practice Gratitude.

Remember to give thanks for the good things in your life. Remember to thank people for acts of kindness or gifts. Be grateful for feelings of health, of peace, of contentment. Acknowledge synchronicities (there is no such thing as “luck.” If you wanted it and you got it is your right to have it!)

Meditate and Still Your Mind

Use guided meditations that resonate with you, whether overtly spiritual or more general in nature. Try moving meditations such as Tai Chi and Yoga if you have difficulty emptying your mind.

Move your Body

Dance, play, walk, stretch, or do more strenuous activities if you enjoy them. Do not engage in an activity because you feel that you ought to. Instead, find one that you really enjoy and stick with that one. Forget how many calories are burned, that is not important. Regular practice will raise your vibration and improve both your physical and your emotional health.

Finally, and most importantly, know that in order to raise your vibration and make the Law of Attraction work for your benefit, you need to let go of the “how.” You know what you want to manifest, so send out constant requests for it. Trust in the higher powers to work out the details of how this will come about. Your job is to bring your thinking, words, and actions into alignment with your desired outcome. That’s all. The rest of the work you can safely leave to the Universal Law of Attraction, which ensures that the vibration of your request matches the vibration of the outcome it is delivering to you.

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