Traveling Warrior Healer

Gift of Being Clairvoyant

The literal meaning of “clairvoyance translates from the French as “clear sight”. There is a wealth of meaning in that phrase, and clairvoyance is much more than the ability to see future events, which is a popular misconception around this particular gift. In fact, let us be clear about this, clairvoyance does not predict the future, as though the future were already written and events were inevitably going to come to pass. What the gift of clairvoyance can do is help you see your options more clearly and encourage you to make the choices that are right for you. In this way, you are able to influence your own future and change potential outcomes.

The stereotype of the clairvoyant involves crystal balls and mysterious cards or runes by which the clairvoyant receives messages from the world of spirit. In truth, every human being has the ability to manifest their clairvoyance if they choose to do so. For some people, the effort required seems to outweigh the benefits, or they simply choose not to become involved. For others, it is a great relief to acknowledge that their intuitive feelings are valid and useful to themselves and to others.

How does Clairvoyance Manifest Itself?

The expression “gut instinct” came about for a reason. When we need a warning or inspiration around certain situations our bodies are often far more wise than our minds. The tightening feeling you get in the region of your solar plexus is a result of your unconscious mind picking up signals that you may have overlooked. Your instincts often tell you that something is just “not right” and, with hindsight, you look back and say to yourself “I knew I shouldn’t have done that!” and actually you are right – you did know! Clairvoyance allows you to access the knowledge of your soul, and the collective wisdom of all the souls in the Universe. The best way to describe this in ordinary terms is to think of a time when you experienced absolute certainty about something. It doesn’t have to be a major thing, but it will have been a time when you didn’t have to spend any time or energy making a decision, you just got on with it serenely and comfortably. Some people are lucky enough to have this certainty about their life partner from the moment they meet. Others are absolutely certain that their life purpose also corresponds with their career choice. In smaller ways, you will have memories of times when you easily chose the perfect gift for someone or the right diet for your bodily needs.

Clairvoyance and Energy Healing  

Energy healing systems such as Reiki can be greatly enhanced if the Reiki practitioner is also clairvoyant. The messages, signs, and symbols that are often accessed during a Reiki session can sometimes appear to be quite obscure, and can easily be overlooked if the recipient has no previous experience of such phenomena to guide them. The practitioner may often act as an intermediary in such cases and will be able to use their own gifts and experience in order to help the recipient to understand any messages they may have been given form Spirit during the session. In this way, a person is empowered to take control of their own healing journey, and it is obviously important that the Reiki Master show empathy, compassion and understanding when dealing with clients. A clairvoyant practitioner often finds this aspect of their practice to be equally as important as the channeling of Universal Energy into the physical body. It is quite common, for example for a recipient to experience flashes of light or color during their Reiki treatment, whilst many people report becoming aware of seemingly random visions and symbols.

If this sounds familiar to you from your own experience, try to impart all of this to your practitioner after your healing session ends. The chances are that the practitioner has also seen the symbols and signs that appeared to you and together you can make sense of the message about your healing journey that Spirit is trying to impart. It may be that the signs correspond to an important lifestyle change that you can make to enhance your health and well-being. It may also be that you receive the love, comfort, and reassurance you need from both Spirit and Reiki Master to continue to heal emotionally and physically.


If you can answer “yes” to the following questions it may well prove to be the case that you are a “natural clairvoyant”.

1 Are you a daydreamer?

Clairvoyants spend a lot of time daydreaming, imagining possibilities and creating alternative worlds in their minds. Our imagination is a “right-brain” phenomenon and this is also the side of the brain responsible for intuitive insights.

2 Do you often see flashes of light or color?

If you see orbs or dots of light, flashes of light or color, twinkling or glittery lights, and shapes from the corners of your eyes the chances are that you have the gift of clairvoyance.

3 Do You Have a Deep Connection with Beauty?

Are you easily moved to tears of joy by sights and sounds of intense beauty? Do the magnificent colors of the sunset leave you speechless and even choked with emotion? Clairvoyants have a deep and very real connection to visual representations and are often drawn to the creative arts. If this sounds like you be assured that not everyone is equally moved by sights of beauty, both in the natural world and within human creations.

4 Do You have a Good sense of Direction?

Clairvoyants tend to have a much better than average sense of direction. They easily create maps in their minds and are almost always acutely aware of where they are in both time and space.

5 Do You See Other People’s Auras?

Do you see lights or colors surrounding other people, both those whom you know and strangers? These lights are the visual manifestation of the electromagnetic energy that surrounds us all, which we term auras. Our auras contain a lot of information about our lives, how we are feeling and any particular challenges they may be facing at the moment. If you catch occasional glimpses of such things, try a simple exercise to help to strengthen your abilities to read auras:

Find a willing partner and ask them to sit against a white background. It is best if you both go through a simple relaxation exercise first to quieten the mind and relax the muscles. Next, soften your own jawline and allow your eyes to go slightly out of focus as you look at the person opposite you. Resist the temptation to chase after any impressions you may receive, instead, allow the relaxation to deepen and become aware of any movement, flashes of light, twinkling or colors that may be near. At this stage, it is not important that you understand what you are seeing, just accept it and make a mental note of anything you wish to follow up later.


How Can We Develop our Psychic and Clairvoyant Gifts?

As mentioned earlier, every human being has instincts and we all have intuition. For some people, these are taken for granted or ignored and they live their lives quite happily without giving their psychic side a second thought. For others, the situation is different in that they feel troubled or even a little anxious about the fact that something is going on for them on a psychic level but they do not know how to deal with it or what it means.

If you have answered “yes” to any of the questions in the previous section it is most likely a good time for you to start researching the topic and seeking answers. Try to treat this time in a lighthearted and enjoyable way as you begin to uncover latent abilities and gifts. Receiving messages from Spirit can seem rather daunting or even scary to some people, but rest assured that these messages are sent with love and are intended to enhance your life, not to scare or intimidate you into doing someone or something else’s bidding.

If you would like to develop your clairvoyant gifts it is a good idea to seek out like-minded people within your own community. A really enjoyable way to do this is to attend any Mind/Body/Spirit fairs that may be happening nearby. Not only are you guaranteed to meet kindred spirits you also get to browse the crystals, tarot and oracle cards, and many more fascinating divination tools that you may not have come across before.  Experiencing energy healing such as Access Consciousness Bars, Healing Touch, Pranic Healing and or learning or receiving Reiki Therapy

If you are not ready to involve other people in your journey just yet that’s fine. Start your own collection of Oracle cards and read around the subject as much as you want. Many of the decks of Oracle cards are quite beautifully presented and you may wish to spend time simply absorbing the exquisite artwork of such cards before you try to use them.

Each deck comes with a booklet to help you get the most out of the cards, and these can be a very useful place to start, although you may find that you are happier following your own inner guidance when using the cards. Enjoy doing readings for yourself and your friends and family and if you find that a message is unclear, or seemingly irrelevant, practice meditation and be patient. The answers will come through!

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